
2002 Northwest CT Balloon Festival & Craft Fair, Goshen, CT - 6/28 - 6/30/02

First inflation of "Goldie And Gus," Friday PM Glow

First inflation of "Goldie & Gus," Friday PM Glow

Saturday morning hare & hounds liftoff - I was the hare

Saturday PM tether

Looking inside at Goldie

Two of Frank Bart's balloons

Just after liftoff on the Sunday morning flight

Ron Thornton's balloon, "Peanuts Encore"

You see the trees? Yes, that's all there is in this part of Connecticut!

More trees, and - oh look, a balloon!

Paul Sena coming in over a little reservoir

The wind was dead calm in this tiny little bowl of a valley, and just above the rim was a good push out of the west - into no-man's-land


So... I played around with the wind, trying to work my way over to find a decent spot to land somewhere

A few seconds after I took this shot, I began my descent into the reservoir for my own turn at the fun! Keith got some pictures of me on the water but I haven't scanned them.

Back up in the air, but hmm... Where will I land?

Fiddling with very minute wind changes at different altitudes

"Mini-Me," Bill Colyer's 62k Experimental. Looks just like his old 105! ;)

Bill & Pat landing in the same backyard I happened to come down in. You can see it in the photo above - it's the one on the far left.