This afternoon saw the maiden
voyage of the brand-new, beautiful floating bag of thermal energy and all
things pointy, hereby known as "Pointless!"
A picture-postcard afternoon
with sublime weather signaled it was time to sprout the new creation's wings
in flight. We rounded up crew, passengers and witnesses and journeyed to the
Hunterdon Hills Playhouse to fly. Jack Ponticelli and Jim Buzby both
launched their balloons from the Playhouse, while Keith Sproul and I set up
and readied our balloons for flight. After Keith and I lifted off, it was a
leisurely flight to the North into Glen Gardner, where we landed in the same
front yard after about 45 minutes in the air.
A huge mass of neighborhood
children and their parents flocked to our landing site, and we managed to
tether them all and then went back around for seconds! Big smiles were seen
on everyone's faces, and I'm sure they will remember this afternoon for
years to come - I certainly will.
A perfect first flight for
Many thanks to Bob Mueller for chasing and
photographer duty tonight.