Friday Night's Burner Glow at Cereal City

Keith's single Aerostar Zone 5 burner

A pair of Aerostar Zone 5's on a nearby

Different view...

The hand that controls the flame!

Keith's burner firing on the chariot lower

Jen & Dar... Bitter NY Football
Jets! No, Giants!

Flames in the dark

Dar has special powers... Just not sure
what good they are for!

Indeed, it was hot out there!

Cameron Sirocco burners

Tony & Keith

Tony & Jon

Dar holding open the mouth of

Inflated and ready to glow

Fearless captain Jon at the helm

Pull this line... To go DOWN!

Sunday AM; Dar is getting ready to chase

Jen with Chris (Head Merrymaker)

Sugar Bear takes off as Sunday morning's

Wait, how did POST get their balloons in

Keith straightens some stuff out

Our friendly neighbors to the left

The Lindstrand X Racer Chase Donner was


Upright and nearly there

One last look around...

Almost Ready...

Just... About...

In the air!

A look back on the parking lot

Phil Clinger's balloon in the middle

Andy Baird and the Federal Building

Jim Neill's homebuilt 65k

Some of the group

Some more of them...

A few more here...

A few more there...

David Seekell's Viva

Paul Quandee's "Cherry Bomb" in
the top middle

Low over a school on the way to the
Santa-Declared Target

Our Shadow playing in the trees

The target at the Leila Arboretum

Coming up to the "X", baggie in

After throwing, pop up to catch the hare
balloon well to the right.

Sugar Bear is down and the basket is the

Approaching the second task, the Duckie

Trevor Engler's beautiful Cameron Z-105

The gang ahead of us

Sugar Bear, accepting duck deposits.

Chad Dennis' balloon up at the top left

A couple morning fans!

"Cherry Bomb"


Al Hansen in the middle

Al Smith behind

Jeremy Fox in the back